View Profile X-wing9
I'm a digital artist and aspiring musician. I barely post my stuff in this site anymore, though I still visit it frequently. Go to my website to listen to my newer musical works. Thanks for coming by! =)

Age 30, Male


AwesomeTown University

São Paulo, Brazil

Joined on 4/7/07

Exp Points:
1,150 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.29 votes
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Man, X-wing9 really does not sound like a bad alias. I like it, and would probably stay with it for a long time; but now I plan on actually making music, and getting myself known out there. Maybe even profit out of this. Work on making music for videogames, being a sound designer for media in general. That would be badass.

But I have the feeling that if I stick with this name, I WILL regret it.

1. People will confuse me with a Star Wars hardcore fan. This already happened to me before, not in an offensive way, but it's rather disconcerting. They just assume I know everything about the series, when I actually just like it without being a hardcore fan. Maybe my alias would clog up the searches for the actual ship, I dunno. :P

2. Adding to the topic above, I might get in trouble with LucasArts. If my works ever reach the "profiting" stage, even though they're usually light on this sort of issue (never saw them sue anyone), they might be able to sue me for using the name of their ship as my alias. It's a pretty fucking annoying risk I'd rather not take.

3. The name is essentially the "[cool thing name][numbers]" nickname that usually spells "internet n00b". I wanna get something more unique, one that doesn't infringe copyright issues or address me as a stupid kid.

So yeah. I can't come up with something cool to replace my everlasting nickname. There is this probability that I will change it though. For my actual albums I might just use my own fucking name, but an alias would be pretty cool. Basically, I might create a new account. In case I do so, there will be a news post directing everyone to the new, not badly named page. So if you see my works there, dom't call me a thief of my own work. :3

God, I'm overthinking this really hard.

"X-wing9" doesn't sound very professional...

Recent Game Medals

7,135 Points

Bomb Welder 50 Points

Okay it's disarmed, but I can't just leave it BROKEN

Robot Welder 10 Points

Repair the robot

Clock Welder 5 Points

Repair the clock

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

A whole new world 5 Points

Enter the flash portal

Apple 5 Points

Reach 10,000 points.

Shameless Self Promotion 5 Points

Visit my world wide website.

Fire and Brimstone 10 Points

Burn down all the houses.

Side Effects Include.. 5 Points

Talk to the suspicious caravan.

You Win..? 25 Points

That was a weird game.

Latest Shared Creations


Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 29, 2010.


Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 29, 2010.